
Thursday, August 31, 2006

One is the metaphor of another like one is metaphor with another.

To authors 

In between a coment from Pound to Whitman
"It was you that broke the wood,/ Now is a time for carving, /We have one sap and one root-/ Let there be commerce between us."
The wood is burned, /we have to light it up again from its ashes,/ lets heat our soups together.


Lo otro, space as a basic perception and reality off it, sólo lo hacemos nuestro cuando we transgress it, inhabit it, love it.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Best wishes 

Si lograras una combinacion de sentidos, of meanings derived from the origin of words, derivadas de tu propia invención del origen de las palabras se crearía un lenguaje que al mezclarse alcanaría mas exacitud en what it is saying.
O acaso to do es que hacer.

To authors 

Lennon- Mccartney "Let it be": Be with it.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Se enojó cuando le dije que a woman screaming like a pig when you fuck her me excitaría.

I saw it o lo soñé 

Rifles were carving otros rifles que at last were floreros.
Waste-baskets eran redes to catch butterflies y por la mantequilla se ponía sticky.
En un pastizal con el viento las blades of grass libraban una batalla to chant the same things over y de nuevo. Algunas se pusieron punks otras cantaron their peaceful names.

Monday, August 14, 2006

To authors 

Wilde if you kiss me I will forget your beauty.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Non-writing es la necesidad de constanly change all the possibilities of expression through writting. Other idioms: mezclados, non-expresion, evasive writting, ciruclar nonsense. Conexión experimental inconexa. Sound definition en un juego de escritura simultánea, con otros, other lenguages.

Writing writing is not writing, it is writing that it is not writing.

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