
Monday, June 04, 2007

Every writter in its need to justify himself amkes up a poetics. When you come to think about it its not wrong. There is something living within you who expresses itself ultimately, if ater a poem or two comes an idea of how poetry can be it´s all right. It is an experiment, it is an experiment between you, your-self, and reality. This experiment gorws in every direction; in any direction.
When you come to realize it, you are quotting the near future. It is the experiment between what can be done, and what is needed to be done. The words find their own ways to fit into your handshakes, and into your sand strokes.
El decir nace ahí como un flujo, el medium es la continuidad expresada en la palabra precisa. Nadie quiere perder su tiempo en algo que no dice nada. Nothing will come out of nothing.
A search for explosion, for inner totality, for absolut certainty as a whole within a balance to put out what you´ve lived y lo que piensas que podrías vivir. Mi espiritu explota a flor de piel. My spirit explodes within my skin. Que no es lo mismo, pero sentirse nuevo en otras lenguas reborns your accuracy to tell wahtever is not neede to tell. Are we being to exigentes with our on search of expression? No de ninguna manera. No queremos ser engañados, pero al creador nunca se le entendera en esa emoción de decir lo que sea, sólo por decir. Te puedes pasar de listo or you can be smarter thant yourslfe but is that what you what tu emoción (in both senses) quieres que sea. La posibilidad de mezclar una lengua con otra desarticula la grámatica recreando new senses. And when you find words that conincide and en especial worths that do not coincide, en español en ingles, the search continues. Reducing everything to a matter of yes o no es una prueba para nuestra vitalidad y nuestro amor for oneself.

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